2nd Edition
Page 6, middle of the last paragraph
"The photon's energy level does not change the speed at which the photon travels—through any given medium, the speed of light is constant for all photons, regardless of energy level." It is true that the speed of light is the same for all photons in a vacuum. In dense media, high energy photons travel more slowly.

Page 7, Figure 1-2 captions
"g)f-V-aleR" should be "wavelength"
"RUIR-a-clh ( dRbce g)f-V-aleR" should be "high energy = short wavelength"
"Vlg-a-cl h (Vbal g)f-V-aleR" should be "low energy = long wavelength"

Page 67, Figure 2-5 caption
Should read input=horizontal axis, output=vertical axis.

1st Edition
Page 6, middle of the last paragraph
"The photon's energy level does not change the speed at which the photon travels—through any given medium, the speed of light is constant for all photons, regardless of energy level." It is true that the speed of light is the same for all photons in a vacuum. In dense media, high energy photons travel more slowly.

Page 11, Electric discharge lamps bullet:
Reference to Figure 1-5 should be moved to the 2nd bullet for Computer monitors, after the 2nd to last sentence.

Page 21, 2nd section, first bullet:
should say, "in order of increasing frequency" or "in order of decreasing wavelength"

Page 67, Figure 2-5 caption
Should read input=horizontal axis, output=vertical axis.

Page 71, sidebar, 1st paragraph, 4th line from bottom:
should say "becomes less saturated."

Page 188, Line 3-4
Incorrectly refers to Figure 8-10. It should refer to Figure 8-12.

Page 248, Add to the first callout at upper left:
"Choose Spot Colors from the Conversion submenu of the Filter menu, then click Enable in the dialog that appears."

Page 364, in the Tip, line 4:
says to "open the EPS file in Acrobat Distiller" but should say, "then process the PostScript file in Acrobat Distiller"

Page 505, Opponency
The opponent pairs are red-green, blue-yellow, light-dark.
